Dr. Sarah Relyea-Logan, MD

Dr. Sarah Relyea-Logan, MD

Integrative Primary Care Family Physician

  • Accepting New Patients:  

  • Insurances Accepted: BCBS, United, Optum, Aetna, Cigna, Medicare

  • Ages Treated: 5+ years old 

  • Location: Mount Pleasant office or virtually

  • Specialties: General Primary Care / Family Medicine, Substance Use Disorders, Women’s Health Issues (Trauma Informed Primary And Reproductive Care), Integrative And Holistic Medical Care

Dr. Sarah Relyea-Logan began her career teaching and providing full spectrum family medicine care in Toronto where she was born, raised, educated  and trained. She was mentored by University of Toronto faculty that she joined in her early practice days that provided care to all patients, including pregnant women, for treatment of mental health disorders including substance use disorders.

She uses a solution-focused, patient and family centered approach to help patients build healthier lives. She has had her buprenorphine waiver since 2006 and has seen many patients and their families lives dramatically change in a positive way when provided with medication assisted treatment of opioid use disorders and chronic pain.

She has enjoyed mentoring and teaching others to provide this much needed care over the past 25 years at University of Toronto, Virginia Commonwealth University and , most recently at the Medical University of South Carolina. She is thrilled to be joining Sweetgrass Psychiatry. Integrating primary care and psychiatry is the only way to effectively practice medicine.

She is accepting patients of all ages.